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ECFE in Silver Bay
Course Category
About ECFE in Silver Bay

What are the benefits ECFE?

For children

  • Focused time with parents to learn and explore an early childhood environment
  • Social skills developed in interaction with other young children in a rich environment
  • Early identification of learning concerns
  • Parents with positive parenting skills to promote healthy development

For parents & families

  • Support during the transition to parenthood
  • Information on early development and what to expect from children
  • Strategies for effective limit setting and teaching
  • Time with other parents to reflect on family values and parenting practices
  • Strategies for balancing work and family and managing stress.

What should we expect at ECFE?

When you arrive at a Mixed Age Session all teachers are present and the room is set with carefully planned activities for you & our children to enjoy together. After Parent & Child Time we will clean up and have a brief Circle Time to help children get to know each other’s names & develop literacy skills. After Circle Time the children will settle in for Snack & the parents will move to the parent room for discussion. During Parent Time, children will have more free play time in the classroom followed by cleanup time and a final Circle Time. Parents will return to the children’s room at the end of class. Please feel free to bring a comfort item that will help your child with separation, if needed.

There are no ECFE in Silver Bay courses available for registration.